Aishwariya Rai's Latest Bold and Erotic Photoshoots

The God has created every part of human body with great purpose and reason, therefore, it will be unfair and against the will of God's creativity to modify his creations in the human body. For example; God has given hairs in our armpit and in our genitals which means there are some reasons behind their being in our private part. Therefore, shaving or removing it completely is something like being smarter than the God. Yeah, you can trim it according to your comfort. 

If you see your wife pussy with hair grown in it and after she shaved it completely, what different will you see? and which one you would like or which one looks more hot and erotic? Yes of course the one which has clean hair grown around it. According to Japanese and Korean research it is found that the male or female genitals be more safer and protected when they have grown hairs around them. The hairs protects the genitals from being infected. Similarly there are many reasons are there about why we should not remove our pubic hairs. 

Here you can see the most beautiful woman of the earth Aishwariya Rai Bachchan shows that she respects the creation of God and do not shave her private hairs both in her genitals (vagina/pussy) as well as in her armpits. 

Some men says to me that they do not like hair in their wives or in any women's pussy, the reasons of it according to them, they feel uncomfortable in their tongue when they try to lick their wives or girl friends pussy. I agree to them about it but the comfortableness is not because of the hairs rather it about how is the conditions of hair or how long they are. If the hairs recently grown after shaving will prick you in your tongue. Not only that some women start shaving their pubic hair right from the age of 15 or 16 which means these women hairs will obviously be more hard and rough than the pussy which is never shaved before. 

Hence, advice your wife or girlfriend to keep their pussy hair in the normal length and tell them to use conditioners before you want to do sex or want to lick them. But remember do not lick just after she conditioner it Let her pussy dry for 10 minutes because if you try to lick her pussy when it is wet after conditioner you will smell the perfume of conditioner. And if you do it after 10 minutes you will the softness of her hair around your mouth, her clitoris will be soft and clean and the most important you will get the natural pussy smell and taste in your mouth.  Do like this and both you will enjoy the Oral Sex.

Coming up in the next picture you will be seeing Aishwariya Rai's naturally grown hairy pussy and armpit. 


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